What is a favicon? A favicon is an image or picture of very small size 16 pixel by 16 pixel which always display in the tab bar of web browser that represents your blog before the title of your blogger blog and also appears on saved or bookmarked webpages.. It’s also appear in history, search results and bookmark lists. Favicon usually contains on logos or icons of blog. You can use .PNG or .JPG or any other graphic formatted image but the size of favicon is fixed and not acceptable more than 16x16Pixels. For example blogger or BlogSpot default favicon for all blogs is shown in the caption given below: Usability of Blog: Favicon increase usability of a blog. Favicon of a blog or site has a very minor but important role in your Blog SEO. Favicon has no direct impact on SEO but has an indirect impact on your Blog SEO. If your site has a custom favicon then it will increase usability of your blog. Because it displays on tab bar next your blog title, history, bookmark or...
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